
In the Gym September 30th

Power Endurance

Warm up 10:00
2 x 8 Shoulder Opener
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall Squats
30m OH Walking Lunge (1 lap forward/backward per arm)

P1: OH Walking Lunge Both arms up, with KB or DB (While Partner Skis/Rows – same time)
P2: 60 sec ski erg/row/ or airdyne sprint
P3: 60sec rest
x 6 Rounds
5x Deck Squats and Burpee combo – this is a deck squat (laying on back, get up off the “deck” floor then drop right into a burp.)
+ 30x mtn climber 30 leg movements
Rest as necessary
x 6 rounds

Cool Down, Self Care

Athletes: Kersten, Molly, Johann, Ants
