
In the Gym September 25th

Power 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 2 x 5 Squat jumps 2 x 5 Tuck jumps Then: Warm up to clean heavy-ish (can be with KBs or BB) Then: 5x Cleans 150m ski/row (hard!) 60sec rest 5 rounds Then: […]

In the Gym September 23rd

Power 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 2 x 30m Tactical Lunge Then: 8x Goblet Squats 6x KB Swings (spike swings if appropriate) 8x Bulgarian Bag Swings or Plate Halos – each direction Rest ~60-90 seconds 6 Rounds Then: 8x […]

In the Gym April 3rd

POWER 10:00 Warm up ski/row/bike Mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 30m Tactical Lunge 2 x 10 Good Mornings Then: Find weight for Sled Push and KB swings Then: 10x KB Swings + 15m Sled Push – heavy and fast Rest 30-60sec x 6 Rounds […]

In the Gym January 3rd

POWER 10:00 Warm up Work on mobility/stability 2 x 8 Shoulder openers 2 x 5 Cuban press 3 x 5 Wall squats 3 x 6 Goblet Squats 2 x 30m Tactical Lunge Then: 8x Heavy-ish KB Swings 5x per side Weighted Step Ups Rest 60sec x 5 Then: 3x RMM (heavy) 300m ski/row hard 90sec […]