In the Gym September 30th

10:00 Warm up
Work on mobility/stability
2 x 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squats
2×30/30sec DB Push Press/OH Hold (stay light! Warm up weight)
2×30/30sec squat/squat hold (air squats; no added weight)
Warm up to heavy-ish BB Jerk or Push Press (whichever is more appropriate for athlete)
5 x 5 BB Jerk (or Push Press)
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets
During rest, complete 15x Frog Hops
(if Jerks, make sure athletes are alternating stance each set)
15 – 10 – 5 reps of each:
Pull Ups + Pull Overs + Push Ups
Ab circuit 🙂 30sec flutter kicks (or leg lowers) + 30sec mtn climbers + 60sec sit ups + 60sec plank hold + 60sec rest
x 3-4 rounds
Cool Down