In the Gym October 9th

10:00 warm up + Mobility
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 × 5 wall squats
2 x 30m Tactical Lunge
2 x 10 Frog Hops
20x Whip Smash
60sec Mountain Climbers
30sec Squat Hold (can be on BOSU flat side up for extra challenge)
X 4 rounds, rest 60sec between rounds
Then –
6x Pull Ups
12x Single Arm OH Weighted Sit Up (switch arms at 6 reps)
12x (total) Windshield or Floor Wipers – lock weight out over chest for extra challenge
X 4 rounds, rest as needed
Then, if time –
15cal sprint @ machine of choice
Rest 60sec
X 3
Then –
Cool down + stretch