In the Gym May 3rd

10:00 Warm up ski/row/bike
2 x 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squats
3 x 5 DB PP (light, warm up shoulders)
3 x 5 Reverse Fly (light DBs again shoulder warm up)
5x RMM (medium heavy weight, will likely be limited by push press) +
2:00 min row/ski or airdyne go hard – keep track of pace, maintain pace for all three rounds
2:00 rest between rounds
3 rounds
10x Back Squat (medium weight focus on form) +
2:00 min row/ski or airdyne go hard – keep track of pace, maintain pace for all three rounds
2:00 rest
3 rounds
Then, if time finish with:
30x Sit Ups + 30x Pull Overs + 3min total Plank Hold
Cool Down