In the Gym January 24th

10minute warm up easy cardio
2 x 8 Shoulder Openers
2 x 5 Cuban Press
3 x 5 Wall Squats
3 x 10 Single leg hops each leg (or 30-60sec single leg balance if no jumping)
Any additional mobility/stability work
Then –
10x Split Jumps (total) – can be weighted for extra challenge 🙂 – or Step Ups w/high knee drive if no jumping
10x KB Swings (Medium Heavy)
X 5 rounds, rest ~90 seconds between
Then –
10x KTE
10x (total) Standing Russian Twist w/Landmine
60sec OH Plate Hold (can be single leg or on BOSU for extra balance)
X 4 rounds, rest ~60sec between rounds
Then –
30 – 20 – 10 calories at machine of choice (go hard!)
Rest 1-2min between efforts
Then –
Cool down + stretch