Strength + Supplemental
Warm up 10:00, C2/Airdyne/Jump Rope
Wall Squats 5 x 5 work on form,
Goblet Squats 2 x 8 deep squat to ball or low object 25 # DB then 35#KB
Shoulder Openers 2 x 10
OHS + SOTS with PVC 3 x 5
Work Up to 1RM TGU
5 per side@
1@ –
Then 6 x 2 @?
30m OH Walking Lunge, BB at 45- 85# + 1:00 rest
x 5 rounds
5 RMM 2 @ 10- 25#, go fast + 10 push squats with DB @ 10 – 20# + 20 Ball Slams
x 8 Rounds for time.
Later Rec End < 60