In the Gym August 9th

Warm up 10min ski/row/bike/etc
2 x 8 Shoulder Openers
2 x 5 Cuban Press
3 x 5 Wall Squats
Any additional mobility/stability
3 x 5 per side Single leg squat to bench
3 x 5 Bent Over Rows (stay light)
Then –
10x (total) Weighted Walking Lunge – hold weight at sides or at chest
5x Pull Ups (minimal assistance)
X 5 rounds, rest 60-90sec between
Then –
10x Ball Slams
5x Push Ups (on DBs or Rings for added challenge)
60sec OH Plate Hold
X 4, rest 60sec between rounds
Then, if time –
30 – 20 – 10 calories for time @ machine of choice
Rest 60sec between each
Then –
Cool down and stretch