In the Gym August 19th

Warm up 10min ski/row/bike/etc
2 x 8 Shoulder Openers
2 x 5 Cuban Press
3 x 5 Wall Squats
Any additional mobility/stability
3 x 5 SLSLDL per side
3 x 5 OH Press and stretch
Then –
Warm up to heavy TGU
Then –
2x per side TGU
8x Body Row
X 5 rounds, rest 1-2minutes between rounds
Then –
10 to 1 ladder Goblet Squats / Burpees
(10/1, 9/2, 8/3, 7/4…1/10)
Rest as needed
As you go down in reps you can go up in weight for goblet squats
Then, if time –
1000m ski/row for time (or 100cal airdyne?)
Cool down + stretch