In the Gym April 3rd


10:00 warm up
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
Work on mobility
3 × 5 wall squats
3 x 6 Goblet Squats – deep with hip opening pause at bottom
3 x 5 SOTS Press with PVC
Then: Break up into two teams if more than 4 people
Team One:
Warm up to Front Squat 3 rep weight
6 x 3 Front Squats
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets, during rest, complete
5x Body Rows – can be single arm if appropriate
Then, Team Two:
15m Bear crawl
12x Weighted single arm sit ups (switch arms at 6)
8x Anchored Leg Lowers
5 rounds, rest as needed
Swap Teams.
Then, If time:
1000m ski/row for time