Fitness consultation – we are going to begin to offer 1:1 and 2:1/3:1 private and semi-private personalized fitness consultation. We have a 2500 sq ft space, will have masks available, a garage door to open when weather is conducive, sanitizer/towels/cleaner as well as a restroom to wash hands before and after workouts. Our cleaning staff whom also cleans at the hospital has been kept on full time during closure to keep the facility exceptionally clean.
1:1 Private work – We have a significant number of athletes that are relying on access to our facility to rehabilitate from a surgery or injury, to maintain strength and mobility to manage or eliminate pain due to musculoskeletal imbalances, as well as individuals with disease complications who need neuromuscular work and strength training to maintain quality of life. Additionally, these sessions can just be private workouts. Reach out and let us know how we can help.
These sessions will be run by Carolyn or Betsy and are $90/hour. We are still running virtual classes from the gym so our schedule for these in person private sessions will be worked around virtual classes and privates. Please contact Carolyn to schedule privates.
2:1 Semi Private – For individuals who have been in a “Stay at home” situation together, couples, roommates, parents and kids. We are offering 2:1 or 3:1 workouts at the normal class price $25/person. To make the space available at a non-private fee. These again need to be scheduled ahead of time. Please contact Carolyn for scheduling. Hand washing, masks, sanitizing equipment afterward, and social distancing protocols will be maintained in all classes.