
In the Gym November 20th

10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 3×5 SLSLDL (Per side) Then: 5x Split Squats (Per side) 8x Reverse Fly X5 Rounds, rest 1-2 minutes between rounds Then: 10x Frog Hops 12x Landmine Russian Twist (Total) 10x Weighted Sit-up or GHD X5 Rounds, rest […]

In the Gym November 18th

10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 3×6 Goblet Squat 3×5 Pushups Then: 5x Front Squat (BB or Front Rack KB’s) 5x Dips (Bars/rings) X5 Rounds, rest 1-2 Minutes between rounds Then: 8x Body Row 60m Farmers Carry 30m Rock Carry X5 Rounds, Rest […]

In the Gym November 15th

10:00 warm up 2 × 8 shoulder openers 2 x 5 cuban press 3 × 5 wall squats 30m Tactical lunge Then: 5x SLSLDL (Per side. Can use KB or BB) 5x Strict Press (Add standing on a bosu ball for challenge) X5 Rounds, rest 1-2 minutes between rounds Then: 10x Anchored Leg Lowers 5x […]

In the Gym November 11th

Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 3×6 Deep hip opening Goblet Squats Then: 10—1 Deadlift ladder 20 sec mountain climbers between each “Rung” of the ladder (Rest as needed to maintain form) Then: 8x Pullovers 10x Windshield Wipers 10x Anchored Leg lowers X4-5 Rounds (Rest as needed to maintain form) Then: […]

In the Gym November 8th

Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 2×10 Good morning Then: 5x Step up (Per side) with high knee drive 10x Chest Press 10x GHD or Weighted Sit up 10x Body row X4 Rounds (Minimal Rest) Then: 10—1 Ladder: Ball Slam/Strict press (10/1, 9/2, 8/3, etc) Then: 8x 30/30 Hard/Easy machine of […]

In the Gym November 6th

Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 2x30m OH walking lunge (Forward/back- switch) Then: 2x TGU (Per side) 30 sec ring support 60 sec sprint on machine of choice X5 Rounds (Minimal rest) Then: 10x Frog hops 8x Burpee 30 sec per side side plank hip lifts (Both sides) X4 Rounds (Minimal […]

In the Gym November 4th

Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 3×6 Goblet squats Then: On the minute of: 10x Split Jumps 10x Atomic Situp 10x KB Swing 10x KTE (Or Feet to hands with exercise ball) X5 Rounds (Complete each exercise on the minute, whatever you have left of the minute is rest) Then: 10—1 […]

In the Gym November 1st

Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 2×10 Good morning 2×5 KB Up OH Press half kneeling Then: 10—1 Clean or Headcutter/Dip ladder (Ring/bar/bench) (10/1, 9/2/ 8/3, etc) Then: 10x Weighted Walking Lunge 15m Bear Crawl 60 sec OH plate hold X4 Rounds (Minimal rest) Then: 3x250m ski/row 1:1 work/rest

In the Gym October 30th

Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 3×5 Air Squats 2×10 Tuck Jumps Then: 10x Box Jumps + 8x RMM 8x Box Jumps + 6x RMM 6x Box Jumps + 4x RMM 4x Box Jumps + 2x RMM (Rest as needed to maintain form) Then: 10x Pullups 10x Clanks (Per side) 10x […]

In the Gym October 28th

Mobility/Stability 2×8 Shoulder Openers 2×5 Cuban Press 3×5 Wall Squats 3×6 Deep hip Opening Goblet Squats Then: BB/KB Complex: 6x Deadlift 6x Bent over row 6x Hang Clean 6x Front Squat 6x Pushpress 6x Pushup X4 Rounds (Minimal rest, try to not put the bar/weights down the whole time. Try to Increase weight as you […]