In the Gym Sep 18th

10:00 warm up + mobility
2 x 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 x 5 wall squat
2 x 8 good morning
2 x 5 squat jump
10x Heavy KB Swing
10x Landmine Squat and Press – single arm, alternating; 5 per side.
5 rounds
30 sec sprint /1:00 rest – these are ALL OUT efforts
(Bonus: during rest hold plank)
x 4 rounds
8 to 1 Burpee + KTE Ladder
(8/8, 7/7, 6/6…1/1)
Rest as needed to maintain form.
Can do feet to hands or anchored leg lowers on floor if KTE are no go.
Then –
Cool Down, mobility