In the Gym December 16th

10:00 warm up
work on mobility/stability
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 × 5 wall squats
2 x 8 Good Mornings
2 x 8 Reverse Flies (with light dumbbells or cross gym bands)
6x Dead Lift (KB / Hex Bar / BB; not super heavy)
8x Burpees
10x Step Ups – weighted
6 Rounds, rest as needed to maintain form
10x – 5 per arm Landmine High Lateral Raise (like a Y) – or DB athletes choice, switch hands each rep.
30 sec Slam Ball stir the pot, switch directions at 15 sec
100m sprint @ machine of choice or 30 sec Airdyne
4 rounds
60sec rest between each
Cool Down