
In the Gym November 4th

10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row
Work on mobility
2 × 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squat
3 x 5 each side SLSLDL
3 x 5 Push Ups
Then –
5x Split Squats each side – hold weight at sides or at chest (fairly heavy)
30m Burpee Broad Jumps
X 4, rest 60-90sec between rounds
Then –
10x Bent Over Rows
10x Plate Halos – each direction
60 sec Wall Sit Hold
X 4, rest 60-90sec between rounds
If time:
6x20sec hard/10sec rest at machine of choice
Cool down with stretches/foam roller

In the Gym November 2nd

10:00 Warm up ski erg/airdyne/row
Work on mobility
2 × 8 Shoulder openers
2 x 5 Cuban press
3 x 5 Wall squat
2 x 30m Tactical Lunge
2 x 10 each side High Knee March
A few box jumps and push press choose box height and weight 🙂
Then –
8 to 1 ladder of each
Box Jumps
Push Press
Body Rows
* Increase weights on push press as you decrease reps
* Rest some between sets to maintain form
Then –
30sec Front Plank
30sec Kayakers
30sec Side Plank
30sec Crunches
30sec Other Side Plank
30sec Swimmers
30sec rest
X 4
Then –
Cool Down with mobility