
In the Gym September 4th

10:00 Warm up
work on mobility/stability
2 x 8 Shoulder Openers
2 x 5 Cuban Press
3 x 5 Wall Squats
2 x 30m Tactical Lunge
2 x 5 Push Ups
Find weight for step ups (heavy-ish)
5x per side Steps Ups, slow and strict, really focusing on form
5x Body Rows (can be single arm 3 per side if appropriate)
60 sec plank or FLR, lift one leg for 30 secs then switching lifted leg if appropriate for athlete.
5 Rounds, rest about 1 minute between rounds
10 to 1 Ladder of each, athlete can increase weight as they go down the ladder.
KB Swings
Push Press
Box Jumps
Cool down

In the Gym September 2nd

10:00 warm up
work on mobility/stability
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 × 5 wall squats
3 x 5 SOTS Press with PVC
30m OH walking lunge, forward backward with one arm then switch
Warm up to Heavy-ish Overhead Squat (can be single arm or just with PVC depending on the athlete)
5 x 5 OHS – many athletes can’t overhead squat, based on limited mobility, so have them pick another type of squat or work on OH form and mobility with just a PVC facing the wall like a wall squat.
Rest about 1 minute between each set
10x Weighted Walking Lunges (total steps, hold weight in FR or FC)
10x Push up
10x Anchored Leg Lowers
5 Rounds, rest as needed
4x250m ski/row (go hard!)
rest 1 minute between each
Cool Down

In The Gym August 31st

10:00 warm up
work on mobility/stability
2 × 8 shoulder openers
2 x 5 cuban press
3 × 5 wall squats
30 OH walking lunge – forward and backward then switch arms.
5x TGU (per side) + 5x Body Row
4x TGU + 5x Body Row
3x TGU + 5x Body Row
2x TGU + 5x Body Row
1x TGU + 5x Body Row
Increase weight for TGU as you go and rest as necessary.
10x KB Swing
8x Ball Slam
5x Pull Ups
5 Rounds, minimal rest
Then, if time:
2000m ski/row for time
Then, Cool Down.